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dc.contributor.authorMyers, Carla S.
dc.contributor.authorLazar, Lisa
dc.identifier.otherLazar, L. & Myers, C. S. (2012). Desire to Listen: One Course Management System-Based Solution to Providing Copyright Compliant Streaming Audio Reserves. Music Reference Services Quarterly, 15(3), 149-172.
dc.description.abstractIn 2008, the Performing Arts Librarian and the Bierce Library Course Reserves Manager at the Bierce Library at the University of Akron were charged by library administration to explore possible solutions for providing online media reserves in a manner compliant with U.S. copyright law. In collaboration with the University's Information Technology Services, they developed a system that would deliver streaming music files via Desire2Learn, the University's learning management system. This article explores the development of the service, policy creation, copyright compliance, the testing and implementation of the system, instructor training, and future possibilities.en_US
dc.titleDesire to Listen: One Learning Management System-Based Solution to Providing Copyright Compliant Streaming Audio Reservesen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US

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