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dc.contributor.authorWithers, Rob
dc.contributor.authorHenle, Alea
dc.contributor.authorWeaver, Eric
dc.identifier.otherAcademic Library Association of Ohio Annual Conferenceen_US
dc.description.abstractIn 2018, a library reorganization consolidated several previously separate units into a single department. The newly-created unit sought out a method for documenting and disseminating existing practices, with a goal of ultimately standardizing them across different service points, due in part to (a) varying practices and levels of documentation among the predecessor units, (b) the loss of institutional memory due to staff turnover, and (c) rapidly-changing practices. This session will address the development of central documentation and continuous operations plans for a library system operating multiple service points spread across campus. Key questions to be discussed with the audience include: What types of resources are suitable for compiling practices (blog, wiki, print binder)? How to generate buy-in from staff? Or facilitate regular cross-training, particularly for tasks where repetition is key to familiarity? Presenters will incorporate brainstorming activities exploring pros/cons for different documentation methods and local applications, as well as strategies for negotiating a single, uniform practice where there had previously been more than one standard.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleCreating Order from Chaos and Fostering Collaboration: Documentation, Cross-training, and Continuous Operations in Multi-service Point Librariesen_US
dc.typeConference Presentationen_US

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