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dc.contributor.authorMyers, Carla S.
dc.identifier.otherMyers, C. S. (2020, June). Copyright & OER: Outlining the Issues. Open Textbook Network Summit. Webinar: Open Textbook Network.en_US
dc.description.abstractCopyright issues come into play as open educational resources (OER) are created, and people frequently have questions about copyright and licensing when seeking to reuse, remix, and redistribute OER. To help address common questions OER creators and users may have about copyright and Creative Commons licenses, the Open Textbook Network is creating a guide on the topic, and needs your help! In this webinar, attended by over 220 people, we reviewed the most common copyright questions and scenarios associated with OER creation and use and, through a facilitated discussion, sought input and advice from attendees on the outline for this guide to ensure that it is relevant and useful for them.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States*
dc.titleCopyright & OER: Outlining the Issuesen_US
dc.typeConference Presentationen_US

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