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dc.contributor.authorHilles, Stefanie
dc.identifier.otherHilles, S.A. (2020, November). When You’re Forces to Go Digital: Zinemaking Online. Art Libraries Society of North America Ohio Valley (ARLIS/OV) and Midstates (ARLIS/MidState) Joint Fall Conference. Virtual.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn spring 2020, universities found themselves navigating an unprecedented and sudden shift to online learning. Librarians have played a crucial role in connecting students and faculty with digital tools and resources during this challenging time. However, it can be difficult to envision how hands-on, object-based, or maker workshops can be transitioned to online formats. This poster will detail how an art librarian translated her in-person zine workshops, usually a tactile, object-based experience, into the online world where students no longer have the benefit of interacting with physical zines as part of the workshop. Three different approaches will be discussed: a purely asynchronous creative writing class that took place soon after colleges closed their campuses, a synchronous graphic design class that was part of a larger month-long zine assignment, and a synchronous maker event put on in collaboration with the university’s Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion. Each of these examples required different solutions and tools to effectively move their content online and still meet learning outcomes.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleWhen You're Forced to Go Digital: Zinemaking Onlineen_US

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