Psychological and Physiological Rehabilitation: Restoration by Natural Environment
The environment presents the nonprofit sky’s gifts: sun, air, rain, view, even Terrain. It is an environment’s instrument that could be a gift or a design problem, so the genuineness is how to use this element right to add great value to our life. The contemporary life strategies made us spend 80-90% of our lives indoors. Spending indoor for a long time daily under an artificial condition, light, colors, air condition, and plants. There are too many difficulties, stress, depression, fatigue, shortness of breathing, even headaches. The person does not know the reason, while he spends most of his time between home and work. So, life strategies are an effective method to improve or degrades our life. In addition to the wrong practices, which makes the individual be in conflict between rejection and acceptance. We must work hard to open the indoors to a magnificent outdoor. The Dead sea, in Jordan, is suspected as a perfect natural environment I selected it to be a proper cradle for the of the research in this paper focusing on” the Psychological And physiological rehabilitation restoration by the Natural Environment. To provide a good treatment by existing an appropriate Spa building in the location is a great value to the medical sector. And we can add that architecture is an element of the environment as a scale, shapes, and colors completes the welling and healing process. There is a strong relationship between architecture and the environment. The added architecture’s language chime with the region design. So, the coordination between them is one of the important parts is to merge it with the environment in all its conditions and can be later considered part of it and considered one of the challenges the architect could face.