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dc.contributor.authorMenne, Heather L.
dc.contributor.authorMcLaughlin, Sara J.
dc.contributor.authorNoble, Molly
dc.contributor.authorUdeh, Kingsley C.
dc.identifier.otherMenne, H.L., McLaughlin, S.J., Noble, M., & Udeh, K.C. (2024, December). “We’re a hidden secret, and we won’t want to be hidden anymore:” 2024 landscape of adult day services in Ohio [Full Report]. Scripps Gerontology Center, Miami University. Submitted to LeadingAge Ohio.en_US
dc.description.abstractAdult day services (ADS) provide participating adults with social activities, meals or snacks, personal care, or therapeutic activities. These services also allow caregivers some respite from providing care. In Ohio, ADS were greatly impacted by the pandemic. In response to growing concerns about access to ADS, the Ohio Department of Aging (ODA) made available $6 million in grant funds to bolster these needed services in 2024. Through focus groups and a survey of Ohio ADS providers, this project examines the current landscape of ADS in Ohio and highlights the challenges faced by providers as well as potential solutions.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.title“We’re a hidden secret, and we won’t want to be hidden anymore:” 2024 landscape of adult day services in Ohioen_US
dc.typeWhite Paper or Reporten_US

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