Psuedo-dyadic "interaction" on Amazon's Mechanical Turk
Psychological researchers have begun to utilize
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) marketplace as a participant
pool. Although past work has established that
MTurk is well suited to examining individual behavior,
pseudo-dyadic interactions, in which participants falsely
believe they are interacting with a partner, are a key element
of social and cognitive psychology. The ability to conduct
such interdependent research on MTurk would increase the
utility of this online population for a broad range of psychologists.
The present research therefore attempts to qualitatively
replicate well-established pseudo-dyadic tasks on
MTurk in order to establish the utility of this platform as a
tool for researchers.We find that participants do behave as if
a partner is real, even when doing so incurs a financial cost,
and that they are sensitive to subtle information about the
partner in a minimal-groups paradigm, supporting the use of
MTurk for pseudo-dyadic research.