Now showing items 6-25 of 33

  • Charter schooling and democratic justice 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Karaba, Robert
    As the mixed achievements of charter schools come under more intense political inspection, the conceptual underpinnings of current charter school reform remain largely unexamined. This article focuses on one moralpolit ...
  • Citizenship in our Time: Community Service, Town Meeting, Protest March, or Drag Show 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    How is citizenship properly enacted in the contemporary era? How are contemporary discourses of citizenship constructing and reconstructing our meanings of the terms of citizenship? To answer these questions, I have recently ...
  • Contemporary Discourses of Citizenship 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Harnish, Jason
    Meanings of “citizenship,” a concept that has informed teaching practices since nation-states first institutionalized schooling, are shaped over time and through cultural struggles. This article presents a conceptual ...
  • Defining moral responsibility for school leaders in times of democratic crisis 

    Knight Abowitz, Kathleen
    In this chapter, I offer an ethical alternative to liberal neutrality in the present political contexts of educational governance and leadership, one that does not abandon important principles of political liberalism. The ...
  • Democracy in Action 

    Collins, Jonathan; Gottlieb, Derek; Knight Abowitz, Kathleen; Murray, Brittany; Saultz, Andrew; Schneider, Jack; Stitzlein, Sarah; White, Rachael
    School systems are important training grounds where both students and adults alike can learn and encourage the practice of civil discourse and where democratic values can be enacted, expressed, and achieved.
  • Engaging Youth in Leadership for Social and Political Change 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Evans, Michael
    Youth leadership initiatives can help young people engage in democratic life, participatory governance, and social and political change. Leadership education oriented towards political and social change must continue to ...
  • Heteroglossia and Philosophers of Education 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    Essay commentary on Rene Arcilla's question regarding the predicament of the contemporary philosopher of education. I use the example of Cornel West to illustrate how his philosophical work exemplifies the concept of ...
  • Imagining democratic futures for public universities: Educational leadership against fatalism’s temptations 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    At current rates, almost all U.S. public universities could reach a point of zero state subsidy within the next fifty years. What is a public university without public funding? In this essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz ...
  • The Interdependency of vocational and liberal aims in higher education 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    Our teaching and curricula need to reflect the connected nature of the vocational and the liberal, two differing but interrelated aims in higher education.Most students see their academic lives—their liberal arts classes ...
  • Moral perception through aesthetics: Engaging imaginations in educational ethics 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    Moral "seeing" - the ability to take in the particulars of a moral encounter, and to interpret and imagine its implications - is analogous to aesthetic perception. This article defends and explores the use of aesthetic ...
  • Moving Out of the Cellar: A New (?) Existentialism for a Future without Teachers 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Kline, Kip
    We employ some of the most recognizable ideas from the existentialism of Sartre and Kierkegaard as a way to understand the current “teacher (human) condition.” In so doing we examine key existentialist concepts—fear and ...
  • #NeverAgainMSD Student Activism: Lessons for agonist political education in an age of democratic crisis 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Mamlok, Dan
    In this essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz and Dan Mamlok consider the arguments for agonist political education in light of a case study based in the events of the 2018 mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, ...
  • "On Parents and Schooling," Podcast Episode, Thinking in the Midst 

    Knight Abowitz, Kathleen; Shuffelton, Amy; Gottleib, Derek; Furman, Cara
    Kathleen Knight Abowitz and Amy Shuffelton talk with hosts Derek Gottleib and Cara Furman about the sharing of authority in education, the recourse to rights language and discourses of expertise in the context of our ...
  • Populism, Legitimacy, and State-Sponsored Schooling 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    In this article, I explore a selection of current scholarship on educational populist movements in Brazil, the U.S., and Israel. After a brief examination of these populist forms, which reveal political trends of ...
  • A Pragmatist Revisioning of Resistance Theory 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    Resistance theorists in education urge educators to evaluate the moral and political potential of opposition in schools. The scholarship of resistance calls us to examine oppositional acts of students in school settings ...
  • Pragmatist Thinking for a Populist Moment: Democratic Contingency and Racial Re-Valuing in Education Governance 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Sellers, Kathleen
    We examine school governance in populist era, using contemporary readings of pragmatist philosophy. We are in a “populist moment,” a time of uprisings and movements of the demos making political claims (Mouffe, 2018). ...
  • Public schools, public goods, and public work 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Stitzlein, Sarah M.
    When determining whether public schools constitute a public good, it’s important to understand what we mean by a public good. An economic definition, common among school choice advocates, focuses on the individual benefits ...
  • Publics for public schools: Legitimacy, democracy and leadership 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Thompson, Steven
    This book articulates a path for a renewed conception of-and commitment to-the public dimensions of schooling. It is an interdisciplinary book of philosophy and politics, written for educational leaders working in or on ...
  • Reclaiming Community 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    The call for community can be heard throughout public and educational discourses; parallel calls for respecting difference are part of the discursive landscape as well. The terms have now become simplified and dichotomized. ...
  • Rhetoric and the purposes of public education: building discourse for shared responsibility 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Stitzlein, Sarah
    In this study, we employ discourse analysis of US gubernatorial political advertisements to analyze the discursive struggles over the purposes of public schools. The advertisements are analyzed to demonstrate how rhetoric ...