Now showing items 1-20 of 33

  • Virtual Charter Schools and the Democratic Aims of Education 

    Hornbeck, Dustin; Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Saultz, Andrew
    Virtual schooling is expanding as an alternative to traditional public schooling in the early twenty-first century. This paper analyzes virtual schooling with regards to the democratic associational aims of public schooling ...
  • Black Bodies in Schools: Dewey’s Democratic Provision for Participation Confronts the Challenges of ‘Fundamental Plunder’ 

    Henry, Sue Ellen; Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    In this chapter, we read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me (2015) against Dewey’s Democracy and Education (1916) to glean insight into how Deweyan transactionalism can help theorize greater democratic participation ...
  • Achieving a Pakistani public: The problem of Privatization in Educational Policy-making 

    Rind, Gul Muhammed; Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    In many nations around the globe, including Pakistan, education is losing ground as a public good to become another market-based commodity as the state shrinks its responsibility to schooling. This presents challenges to ...
  • "On Parents and Schooling," Podcast Episode, Thinking in the Midst 

    Knight Abowitz, Kathleen; Shuffelton, Amy; Gottleib, Derek; Furman, Cara
    Kathleen Knight Abowitz and Amy Shuffelton talk with hosts Derek Gottleib and Cara Furman about the sharing of authority in education, the recourse to rights language and discourses of expertise in the context of our ...
  • Populism, Legitimacy, and State-Sponsored Schooling 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    In this article, I explore a selection of current scholarship on educational populist movements in Brazil, the U.S., and Israel. After a brief examination of these populist forms, which reveal political trends of ...
  • Defining moral responsibility for school leaders in times of democratic crisis 

    Knight Abowitz, Kathleen
    In this chapter, I offer an ethical alternative to liberal neutrality in the present political contexts of educational governance and leadership, one that does not abandon important principles of political liberalism. The ...
  • Democracy in Action 

    Collins, Jonathan; Gottlieb, Derek; Knight Abowitz, Kathleen; Murray, Brittany; Saultz, Andrew; Schneider, Jack; Stitzlein, Sarah; White, Rachael
    School systems are important training grounds where both students and adults alike can learn and encourage the practice of civil discourse and where democratic values can be enacted, expressed, and achieved.
  • Engaging Youth in Leadership for Social and Political Change 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Evans, Michael
    Youth leadership initiatives can help young people engage in democratic life, participatory governance, and social and political change. Leadership education oriented towards political and social change must continue to ...
  • Publics for public schools: Legitimacy, democracy and leadership 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Thompson, Steven
    This book articulates a path for a renewed conception of-and commitment to-the public dimensions of schooling. It is an interdisciplinary book of philosophy and politics, written for educational leaders working in or on ...
  • Social Foundations, Disciplinarity, and Democracy. 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Quantz, Richard
    This article was originally conceived for a paper session at the 2000 American Educational Studies Association conference in Vancouver, a session designed as a “multilogue” on teaching the foundations. In the article we ...
  • A Situated Philosophy of Education 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Burbules, Nicholas
    Philosophy of education today is broadly divided between two fundamentally different views about the nature of philosophy itself. This meta-debate is almost never engaged directly, and yet it is exemplified in one way ...
  • What’s pragmatic about community organizing? 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    In this paper I explore whether and how philosophical pragmatism might be a useful tool for achieving educational reform through social action work such as community organizing. I explore Aaron Schutz’s arguments relevant ...
  • The War on Public Education: Agonist Democracy and the Fight for Schools as Public Things 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    Agonistic critiques of democratic theory conceptualize democracy as a site of conflict and struggle; as the fight against privatization escalates, these critiques become more relevant for educational governance. Public ...
  • What makes a Public School Public? A Framework for Evaluating the Civic Substance of Schooling 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Higgins, Christopher
    Between the banality of the phrase in some contexts and its sacredness in others, it is hard even to ask the most basic question: what makes a public school public? In realms of governance, curriculum, and pedagogy, ...
  • Moving Out of the Cellar: A New (?) Existentialism for a Future without Teachers 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Kline, Kip
    We employ some of the most recognizable ideas from the existentialism of Sartre and Kierkegaard as a way to understand the current “teacher (human) condition.” In so doing we examine key existentialist concepts—fear and ...
  • Imagining democratic futures for public universities: Educational leadership against fatalism’s temptations 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    At current rates, almost all U.S. public universities could reach a point of zero state subsidy within the next fifty years. What is a public university without public funding? In this essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz ...
  • Charter schooling and democratic justice 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Karaba, Robert
    As the mixed achievements of charter schools come under more intense political inspection, the conceptual underpinnings of current charter school reform remain largely unexamined. This article focuses on one moralpolit ...
  • Moral perception through aesthetics: Engaging imaginations in educational ethics 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    Moral "seeing" - the ability to take in the particulars of a moral encounter, and to interpret and imagine its implications - is analogous to aesthetic perception. This article defends and explores the use of aesthetic ...
  • The Interdependency of vocational and liberal aims in higher education 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    Our teaching and curricula need to reflect the connected nature of the vocational and the liberal, two differing but interrelated aims in higher education.Most students see their academic lives—their liberal arts classes ...
  • Achieving Public Schools 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    Public schools are functionally provided through structural arrangements such as government funding, but public schools are achieved in substance, in part, through local governance. In this essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz ...