Now showing items 17-33 of 33

  • #NeverAgainMSD Student Activism: Lessons for agonist political education in an age of democratic crisis 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Mamlok, Dan
    In this essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz and Dan Mamlok consider the arguments for agonist political education in light of a case study based in the events of the 2018 mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, ...
  • "On Parents and Schooling," Podcast Episode, Thinking in the Midst 

    Knight Abowitz, Kathleen; Shuffelton, Amy; Gottleib, Derek; Furman, Cara
    Kathleen Knight Abowitz and Amy Shuffelton talk with hosts Derek Gottleib and Cara Furman about the sharing of authority in education, the recourse to rights language and discourses of expertise in the context of our ...
  • Populism, Legitimacy, and State-Sponsored Schooling 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    In this article, I explore a selection of current scholarship on educational populist movements in Brazil, the U.S., and Israel. After a brief examination of these populist forms, which reveal political trends of ...
  • A Pragmatist Revisioning of Resistance Theory 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    Resistance theorists in education urge educators to evaluate the moral and political potential of opposition in schools. The scholarship of resistance calls us to examine oppositional acts of students in school settings ...
  • Pragmatist Thinking for a Populist Moment: Democratic Contingency and Racial Re-Valuing in Education Governance 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Sellers, Kathleen
    We examine school governance in populist era, using contemporary readings of pragmatist philosophy. We are in a “populist moment,” a time of uprisings and movements of the demos making political claims (Mouffe, 2018). ...
  • Public schools, public goods, and public work 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Stitzlein, Sarah M.
    When determining whether public schools constitute a public good, it’s important to understand what we mean by a public good. An economic definition, common among school choice advocates, focuses on the individual benefits ...
  • Publics for public schools: Legitimacy, democracy and leadership 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Thompson, Steven
    This book articulates a path for a renewed conception of-and commitment to-the public dimensions of schooling. It is an interdisciplinary book of philosophy and politics, written for educational leaders working in or on ...
  • Reclaiming Community 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    The call for community can be heard throughout public and educational discourses; parallel calls for respecting difference are part of the discursive landscape as well. The terms have now become simplified and dichotomized. ...
  • Rhetoric and the purposes of public education: building discourse for shared responsibility 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Stitzlein, Sarah
    In this study, we employ discourse analysis of US gubernatorial political advertisements to analyze the discursive struggles over the purposes of public schools. The advertisements are analyzed to demonstrate how rhetoric ...
  • The school principal as democratic leader: A critique of the Wallace Foundation’s vision of the principalship 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    What is the role of the public school principal in the contemporary era? As conceived by many in educational policy-making and research today, the duty of the US school leader is to ensure that the district is, above all ...
  • A Situated Philosophy of Education 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Burbules, Nicholas
    Philosophy of education today is broadly divided between two fundamentally different views about the nature of philosophy itself. This meta-debate is almost never engaged directly, and yet it is exemplified in one way ...
  • Social Foundations, Disciplinarity, and Democracy. 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Quantz, Richard
    This article was originally conceived for a paper session at the 2000 American Educational Studies Association conference in Vancouver, a session designed as a “multilogue” on teaching the foundations. In the article we ...
  • Telling new stories about school 

    Stitzlein, Sarah M.; Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    Contemporary societies frame education through cultural narratives about schooling’s purposes and practices. Societal stories about school are not just reflective of our current views and values, but shape our political ...
  • Virtual Charter Schools and the Democratic Aims of Education 

    Hornbeck, Dustin; Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Saultz, Andrew
    Virtual schooling is expanding as an alternative to traditional public schooling in the early twenty-first century. This paper analyzes virtual schooling with regards to the democratic associational aims of public schooling ...
  • The War on Public Education: Agonist Democracy and the Fight for Schools as Public Things 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    Agonistic critiques of democratic theory conceptualize democracy as a site of conflict and struggle; as the fight against privatization escalates, these critiques become more relevant for educational governance. Public ...
  • What makes a Public School Public? A Framework for Evaluating the Civic Substance of Schooling 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen; Higgins, Christopher
    Between the banality of the phrase in some contexts and its sacredness in others, it is hard even to ask the most basic question: what makes a public school public? In realms of governance, curriculum, and pedagogy, ...
  • What’s pragmatic about community organizing? 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    In this paper I explore whether and how philosophical pragmatism might be a useful tool for achieving educational reform through social action work such as community organizing. I explore Aaron Schutz’s arguments relevant ...